The Cirqle is now a badged Facebook Business Partner

The Cirqle is now a badged Facebook Business Partner

The Cirqle is now a badged Facebook Business Partner

Transform influencer collaborations into consistent, trackable revenue.

We’re thrilled to announce to clients and advertisers that The Cirqle has been invited to join the Facebook Business Partners program.

About Facebook Business Partners

Facebook Business Partners are recognized for their ability to help businesses grow today and build for tomorrow on Facebook’s family of apps.

Based on program criteria, The Cirqle has demonstrated excellence in following the latest Facebook best practices for creator marketing and creative optimization to drive meaningful business outcomes for clients in the EU and USA regions.

What this means for our clients

As a badged partner, we can help clients and creators build stronger advertising by passing on the value gained from access to this program.

Our software has access to advanced API access, products and best practices that can directly impact your advertising goals within Facebook, Instagram and its apps. Built to support both agency and client success, the program also provides us with access to a variety of benefits specifically designed to fuel performance for our clients.

Influencer marketing success?

Discover why our platform is the industry #1 and get started for free
Discover The Cirqle platform
Our Integrations
Now available

Globally Awarded Influencer Software

The Cirqle is ranked #1 by clients and influencers. Our software is packed with amazing features, workflows and technologies to save costs and drive ROI.
Vast experience
We've been in the industry for 8 years. The time when TikTok didn't exist and IG Stories were still dead. We know a thing or two about scaling influencer.
365 support
Our software does the heavy lifting for you. However, if you're in need of more help, we're always here.
Highly scalable
Scale the influencer channel cross channel, across markets, with many influencers.
API Permissions
We handle permissions between your brand and your creators through API's. Fast, reliable and secure.

Get started

Learn more with our CEO who has 10 years experience in the field, discover how our platform can revolutionize and automate your influencer marketing efforts immediately
Book demo  🚀