Barnes & Noble's main aim was to increase awareness of the brand to all book lovers in America, to show them all the best features that the brand was launching and to unite readers across the country. To run campaigns successfully we created a community of 214 incredibly talented influencers whose content was inspirational and engaging. Our campaigns helped Barnes & Noble increase their sales with awareness of new book events, grow their audience on their own Instagram channel by expanding their community, and increase their engagement with their followers.
During our 2 years partnership with Barnes & Noble we created 44 incredibly successful campaigns that powered awareness, engagement and sales. Each of these campaigns focused on different types of products such as books, educational books for kids, events, and discounts. Some major campaign themes included the: Barnes & Noble’s #Bookclub Campaigns, with the sole aim of uniting avid book aficionados and readers. With each campaign influencers raised awareness of the Barnes & Noble’s Book Club events happening around each store. Once COVID 19 hit we were able to adapt the in-store events to virtual events by asking our creative influencers to host LIVE events with the author on either their Instagram channel or YouTube. The next themes of campaigns were our NOOK campaigns which focused on increasing awareness around NOOK tablets and showed book lovers that they can enjoy a quick read for every moment with Barnes & Noble’s digital discovery feature. In order to bring young readers together and to stimulate conversation about books in a fun and interactive way, we created several ‘’Kids Book Hangout’' campaigns. Overall the unifying goal was to increase awareness around Barnes & Noble, their products and unite readers across the whole country!
We delivered over 17 millions of impressions and incredible engagement, which led to a strong uplift in the number of followers and likes on Barnes & Noble own social media platforms and community site. For every $1 invested Barnes & Noble got $8 in return on investment. That's what we call a tremendous success.
We delivered over 17 millions of impressions and incredible engagement, which led to a strong uplift in the number of followers and likes on Barnes & Noble own social media platforms and community site. For every $1 invested Barnes & Noble got $8 in return on investment. That's what we call a tremendous success.