The Pill Club is a digital health platform that offers reproductive health services to people in the U.S. with more than 120 brands of FDA-approved birth control, over-the-counter sexual health products, dermatology-grade acne care and digital well-woman consultations. With The Pill Club, members receive their birth control and other ‘goodies,’ directly to their doorstep in discreet packaging. In preparation for their first ever campaign to support Affordable Health Care Enrollment, The Pill Club partnered with The Cirqle to increase awareness and education around The Affordable Care Act and drive health insurance sign-ups, especially in underinsured states.
To reach young Americans and empower them with the knowledge and resources to access affordable health insurance, we partnered with two vocal women's health advocates. Through a series of 29 pieces of content our influencer partners championed The Pill Club as a trusted reproductive health ally, encouraged their followers to enroll for affordable healthcare and shared valuable education on what this reform means for young people in America.
Our efforts drove value for The Pill Club on multiple fronts. Not only did our influencer work tied with paid media drive the education and awareness they were looking for ahead of the Affordable Care Act enrollment deadline, but we also drove 44 paid subscription sign ups for The Pill Club during an 8 week activation — a result we did not directly pursue, but one we are excited to support The Pill Club with in the future.
Our efforts drove value for The Pill Club on multiple fronts. Not only did our influencer work tied with paid media drive the education and awareness they were looking for ahead of the Affordable Care Act enrollment deadline, but we also drove 44 paid subscription sign ups for The Pill Club during an 8 week activation — a result we did not directly pursue, but one we are excited to support The Pill Club with in the future.